Camera surveillance

We have camera surveillance in some areas where many people are staying. The purpose of the camera surveillance is to prevent and investigate crimes and limit the effects of possible accidents. The cameras are available to provide increased safety and security for our guests, staff and business and are used only for these purposes.

In a balancing of interest we have found that the interest in preventing and investigating criminal offenses is more important than the interest of individuals protection of personal integrity (Data Protection Regulation Article 6.1 f).

The material from the camera surveillance is subject to confidentiality and is provided only to the police for investigation of crimes. The camera equipment and materials are protected by strong physical and technical protection and only a few people have access to the material. According to the principle of storage minimization, the material is deleted after 30 days.

If you have questions regarding camera surveillance, please contact:

Hobo Oslo AS, Karl Johans gate 8 / Dronningens gate 23-25, email:

You also have the opportunity to complain at the Data Inspection: